Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Has potential...

Faelorehn Faelorehn by Jenna Elizabeth Johnson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This story could have been better. It seemed that much of the book was boring everyday stuff that happened to Meghan, the main character. By the end of the book, she was annoying me. Did she really not put two and two together? For someone who has been different from everyone her whole life, she finally gets some explanations and starts to question everything she's being told?! I just don't get it. Overall, though, I really loved the history, the back story and where it could go if Johnson can get past the everyday mundane details and Meghan can get over her stupidity.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A SNEAK PEAK at The Glittering Court

The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court, #1)The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a review for the *SNEAK PEAK* beginning on NetGalley. So keep in mind that I have not read the whole book...

This story has quite a few pluses but some negatives as well. I am hopeful that the book will get better with the next part of the story. Mead's world-building is good. Not much to the world yet in the first part of the book but I am confident Adoria will come to life when Adelaide and company reach it. A map, however, would do a world of good in this situation.

Speaking of Adelaide, she has the potential to be a strong character. Her bravery at finding a way out of her predicament was exemplary but then she morphs into a wilting lily. Mira and Cedric, to me, are stealing the show.

The bulk of the sneak peek is Adelaide's time at the school, which is quite boring. I think that the best part of the book will come when they reach Adoria. There are a few surprises that pop up before they leave/get there that will make the next part exciting if Mead pulls it off.

I am looking forward to the full published version and will be waiting to fall in love with Adoria.

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